New issue view - no tabs?

Steven Haworth February 22, 2019

So, for our company, we were experimenting with capturing a significant amount of information in a JIRA ticket (we're using Cloud) for incident management (ie a call comes in, it's researched, tested, reviewed, risk-rated, approved, etc).

In that scenario, we have added rather a large number of custom fields to capture all these reviews and their feedback, and to keep things clean, I put them into tabs within the Issue View/Edit configurations.

But now -with the new issue view - there are now tabs, and that list of custom fields stretches a mile long on the right edge.

Thoughts?  How can one organize things like this in the new style?

For us, seems like removing those tabs is a big negative.

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Matheus Fulginiti Schonarth February 22, 2019

Hey Steven,

Hope you're doing good.

The fact that tabs are not supported in the New Issue View has been reported to the Atlassian team by the following bug: JRACLOUD-69983.

There was an update there from Taylor Pechacek saying that this will be addressed in the future. Please, feel free to leave your feedback in the issue.

Hope this was helpful!



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