Managed User Orphaned, Unable to be Edited or Removed

Jonathan Pierson December 14, 2022


I am working with a user who is unable to access the Jira Service Desk we are operating for IT tickets. 

As a part of an organizational change, we have updated the domain of all our Gmail users to match a new company name. This affects this user since they were once and are now

The user is unable to use the "Sign in with Google" option to reach the Service Desk. When prompted, the user selects their Gmail account, and the user is returned to the prompt to sign in through Google to reach the Service Desk. (This process repeats itself.)

We have tried the traditional IT resolutions including clearing browser cache, using alternate browsers/computers, etc without success. 

I am able to access the user's account by attempting a forgotten password recovery, and upon completing this, the user is able to be logged in. I am unable to alter the user's email address as this is a managed account. As a Site Admin, I am unable to view or alter the list of managed users, my manager became involved here.

My manager and I were able to locate the user's account within the Managed Users list, but the user is unable to be mutated in any way:

  • The buttons to deactivate or reactivate the user are both active and pressable.
  • Pressing either button leads to the confirmation prompt appearing on screen, as well as a "Something went wrong. Please try again later." prompt at the bottom left.
  • When attempting to view the user's information and details, my manager receives a prompt "Could not load details. Please try again later."


As my manager is the Org Admin, we do not have a higher level of credentials to use to attempt to view this data. Is there any way we can forcibly remove this record from our account, as it is not active and believed to be an invalid or corrupted user entry?

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Brant Schroeder
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April 19, 2023

@Jonathan Pierson I would suggest submitting an issue to Jira Support 

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