Jira automation. Trying to extract part of description field to a smart value.

Neil Ingram
September 30, 2020

I am trying to setup an automation rule that does the following

- when issue created

- if description contains the text “ref:”

- extract the ref: and subsequent 10 characters from the description to a smart value (text to extract could be anywhere in the description field)

- add the smart value to the end of the summary field

I am having trouble with the extract part. Can anyone help? Thanks

3 answers

0 votes
Girish Shenoy
December 17, 2022

if you are DC user, then you can use Add-on Field Extractor for Jira, that can exactly cater your needs to extract data from issue description. https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1228827/field-extractor-for-jira-fej?hosting=cloud&tab=overview

Currently this add-on is available only for DC and Server version. Cloud version will be released soon and is under assessment from Atlassian marketplace team.

do contact me for further information.


Happy Extracting!

Robin Stemmers
January 29, 2024

Hello @Girish Shenoy 

I see the post is a few years old now, do you know if the add-on is available for Cloud?

0 votes
Akshay Aggarwal December 14, 2022



I need to use email specified in the description field and an email to it using the automation rule.

Format of description field:





I need to use the email specified under "E-mail:" in the description and use it to send an email using JIRA automation.

How can I do this?

0 votes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 8, 2020

Hi @Neil Ingram 

You can use a regex expression on the existing description smart value to extract the text. It will look something like this:


This will extract the ref: and the next 0-10 characters after it. If you know the ref: will always be exactly 10 characters you could use (ref\:.{10}) . 

Your rule will look something like this:


Screen Shot 2020-10-09 at 12.32.27 pm.png


Hope that helps,


Amanda Ward January 6, 2021

I have tried this multiple ways and it doesn't work for me at all. 


I have tried and all give errors that smart value is not found: 





Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 6, 2021

Hi @Amanda Ward 

Could you give an example of what you're trying to extract from the description and the signifier to look for?

In the example above the signifier is the string ref: in the issues description. The smart value then extracts the ref: AND the 10 characters after it. So if the description was "The background colour should be N10 ref:1234567890" the smart value example above would output ref:1234567890.  



Amanda Ward January 8, 2021

This first method works for the Comments Body field without issue, but will not work for the Description field. 


Here is the first way I tried: 



Here is the second way I tried: Set it up to "EDIT Issue" using all the various smart values i entered in the first message a couple days ago. 


This is how the value is being entered in the Description: 

image.pngJira automatically recognizes "WARD-206" text as a reference BUT I did NOT use the anchor links as shown in Text Tab:


Zubair Khan December 19, 2021

Hi @JD 

I'm using same smart value for a custom copy a line from description.  

{{issue.description.match("(Customer Account\:.{0,15})")}}

The output look like this Customer Account:  "Customer Account:  XYZ" 

Is it possible we can see under the Customer Account field only XYZ with out "Customer Account" repeat.   Capture1.PNG

Please help me on this.



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