We've just upgrade from Jira Core 8.5.3 to 8.7.1 (docker's image).
We have a minor glitch, on certains workflow/project, when clicking on the comment bouton, a javascript block appears, like this one:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready( function($) {JIRA.bind(JIRA.Events.NEW_CONTENT_ADDED, function(e,context)
{ callCommentHideFunction(); }
); callCommentHideFunction();function callCommentHideFunction(){if($('#issue-workflow-transition-submit').val() =='Démarrer la progression')
{ $(".wiki-edit").hide(); $("label[for='comment']").hide(); $("div[class='save-options wiki-button-bar']").hide(); //Transition Résolution }
else if ($('#issue-workflow-transition-submit').val() =='Traiter la demande')
{ $("div[class='field-group aui-field-wikiedit comment-input']").hide(); //Transition Start Progress For UK & United States }
else if ($('#issue-workflow-transition-submit').val() =='Start Progress')
{ $("div[class='field-group aui-field-wikiedit comment-input']").hide() //Transition Resolve Issue For UK & United States }
else if ($('#issue-workflow-transition-submit').val() =='Resolve Issue')
{ $("div[class='field-group aui-field-wikiedit comment-input']").hide(); }
Any ideas what's causing this, and how can I find a way to correct this ?