Sujay Chakraborty July 12, 2021

Hey everyone, I want to write a JQL query in the jira advanced search button, to find issue-types not having the attachments with names "Result", "test" in them from a given project. What should my jql query be ? 

1 answer

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Fernando De La Cruz Garelli July 12, 2021

Hello Sujay,

I don't think searching attachments by name using JQL is possible without the usage of Third-Party plugins. If you have Scriptrunner you might also create a script to help you on this request.

Sujay Chakraborty July 19, 2021

It is possible using hasAttachments("","").  I got the solution to my query using the same.

Rohit Dube January 3, 2022

Hi Sujay - what was the solution?

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