JQL query for filtering all subtasks of an issue

Monika Brandström October 10, 2019


Does anyone know how to write a JQL query to get all subtasks and linked issues to a Story/Task?




11 answers

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14 votes
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Gustav L_Estrade
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October 10, 2019

Hello @Monika Brandström

Below JQL-query worked for me, giving me all subtasks and linked issues to my AC-15 issue:

parent = AC-15 OR key in linkedIssues("AC-15")

What above query says: Fetch all issues that have AC-15 as a parent or whose key is linked with AC-15


How does it work for you?

Hope it helps and good luck!

13 votes
Nisha Hajamohideen
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October 10, 2019

Can you try 

parent = "ISSUEKEY" OR issue in linkedIssues(ISSUEKEY)

Replace the issue key with the issue ID of your story or subtask.

GS1337 October 10, 2019

Both functions dont exist in standard Jira.

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Nisha Hajamohideen
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October 10, 2019
GS1337 October 10, 2019

mhm ur right. I wonder why it doesnt work for my Instance then. . . 

mochadwi December 22, 2021

works in my parts, thanks a lot!

Oliver Emmler March 16, 2022

Hi @Nisha Hajamohideen ,

your solution works great for me in the standard cloud installation. Thanks. I have added an "order by rank" to show the order used in the issue view of jira.

parent = "DOC-9902" ORDER BY rank 

Best Regards,

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Marcelo Cid (Antiguo) May 5, 2022

Is there an option to arbitrarily leave any ?
Ex: parent = "ISSUEKEY" that works with the key MAR-2 and for other occasions MAR-3

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September 8, 2022

Worked for me, thank a lot @Nisha Hajamohideen 

Mandeep Singh
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July 18, 2024

linked issues are different than subtask. how I will find all the subtasks for a story with linked issues?

2 votes
joseph weiss October 10, 2019

issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("Key=JIRA-100") or issueFunction in subtasksOf("key=JIRA-100")

Sayan Kaiser July 23, 2020

thanks for this one 

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Brandon Dulaney
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May 8, 2022

This worked for me too! Thanks a $milli$!

1 vote
Sita Raghunadh Vedala
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May 10, 2022

You can try this in the JQL query search text box - 

issueFunction in subtasksOf("fixversion=37.0") 

You can give your required fix version or use any other filter.

1 vote
Monika Brandström October 13, 2019

Thank you for all your answers. Parent in and linkedIssues was the solution for me.

1 vote
Muhammad Ramzan_Atlassian Certified Master_
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October 10, 2019

 JQL Search Extensions for Jira & reports plugin have rich queries which are very useful. You can either use scriptrunner  or   JQL Search Extensions for Jira & reports plugin.


I am using  JQL Search Extensions for Jira & reports plugin and its really amazing.


Following query will be helpful in your case.

It will return all linked issues and sub tasks linked with JQL-3 or JQL-5


issue in linkedBy(JQL-3, JQL-5)


you can find more documentation here


1 vote
GS1337 October 10, 2019

As far as i know there is no JQL in standard Jira for that. You need to get a Plug In. 

0 votes
Tad Foster June 12, 2023

issuekey in childIssuesOf("your parent issuekey-xxxx GOES HERE")

example: issuekey in childIssuesOf("NMER-9549") where NMER-9549 is the Story and the search results would be the subtasks.

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January 5, 2022

In Jira 8, 

below works fine

Search Issues ==> Advanced ==> In the query field

parent = <ticket no>

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Salonee Wong
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December 9, 2020

I used this query and it works :)

project = "ProjectName AND issuetype not in standardIssueTypes()

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Thomas B
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October 10, 2019

@Monika Brandström You could use a plugin like this one, it works for me!

Once installed, the query should be something similar to:

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