JIRA Approval workflow changes

Sourav Bag May 4, 2020


While Approving the workflow (Clicking on the "Approve" button) , i would like to configure the workflow in such a way that the  Assign button window pops up automatically so that i can select next approver at one click ( Sometimes the current approver forgets to select the next assignee after approving the current task & hence the task is sitting idle at the current approver's queue unnoticed ) . Can anyone suggest if that is feasible.



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John Funk
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May 4, 2020

Hi Sourav - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

You can direct the Approval to go to a certain status, then maybe you can put a transition screen on the transition to that status. Not sure it will fire that screen or not.

I populate the Approvers field using Automation based on the value of another field that is capturing user information. 

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