Issue with certain assets field not displaying in the Customer Portal

Guillaume Huard
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September 6, 2023


trying to build a portal  in ITSM ( not opened to non logged users , internally for the employees logged into the workspace ) 


The request type is "empty" and im mostly using the "Forms" tool having those fields set in the form then linked to the relevant custom asset field , i then attach the form to the request type . 

Ive also link some fields together via their attributes , usually use the command "object having outboundReferences("label" = ${customfield_xxxx.label})" and it works fine .

Its been working great displaying the assets data in the fields in both preview and in the portal  , but somehow one of the  custom field ive just added just breaks everything , the options arent showing at all on the portal side . 

The field has the exact same settings as the others, linking to an similar objecttype in the same Scheme , but somehow it doesnt show the options in the portal ( it works in the preview ! )


i know my issue is very generic here for people to answer , i might provide more screenshots but its a lot to organize , but i wanted to know on a general level is there a reason as to why a  basic custom asset fields ( which only links to the objecttype ) would show correctly in the form edit and preview and doesnt show anything on the portal ? 



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Kristin Lyons
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January 16, 2024

Did you ever get a fix for this? Experiencing a similar problem.

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