Is it possible to update original issue when clone is updated

Olga Toverovskaya May 3, 2021

Is there a way to code this:

When cloned child issue is updated, automatically update its parent clone. 

Thanks in advance, Olga

1 answer

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Charlie Misonne
Community Leader
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May 3, 2021

Hi Olga,

Yes there are definitely possibilities to do that but you will need an app on Jira server.

For scriptring I can recommend ScriptRunner. This app allows you to create a custom listener where you choose the event to fire on. In your case: issue updated.

You can also take a look at apps without scripting like Automation for Jira or Automation for Jira Lite.

Olga Toverovskaya May 3, 2021

@Charlie Misonne Is there any way to do this without ScriptRunner?

Charlie Misonne
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 5, 2021

Hi Olga,

Yes you can try Automation for Jira. I don't think the free lite version will be sufficient for your use case.

Take a look at Working with related issues 

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