Is it possible to specify multiple component values in URL for issue creation

Matthew Knatz
September 15, 2022

I know that it's possible to generate an issue creation link with pre-filled values using the https://{jira_url}/secure/CreateIssueDetails!init.jspa?pid={project_id}&issuetype={issuetype_id}}&... URL, but I have a user who would like to be able to specify multiple component values. 

So far I'm able to create an issue with a single component without any problems:


I've tried

  • components=16605,16900
  • components=Component1,Component2
  • components=[16605,16900]

And pretty much every variation thereof using urlencoded/hex for the symbols and I just can't get it to work. Does anyone know if this is even possible?

Given this particular customer's use case I think we will go with a form that populates an API call eventually, but for now I'm looking for a quick win. Any help is greatly appreciated

2 answers

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Will Deroberts
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November 28, 2023

You just need to add `components=` multiple times as query parameters.  In your case that would look like:



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REGAYA Mouna _renexter_
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October 20, 2023

Is there any help here? I am interested :)

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