Integration with Google Drive

Albert Hristov April 24, 2023

Hello, All,


We have a requirement to store files from certain issues on Google Drive. We can easily detect these issues with JQL and I think we can send these attachments via Automation Rule and sending a Web Request.

I am unsure what the body of that request should contain though.


Does anyone have experience with such a task and can give me some tips on how to achieve the upload of all files from JQL selected issues to Google Drive?


Thank you in advance.

4 answers

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Andrea Ho
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 4, 2023

Hi @Albert Hristov I am a product manager in Jira working on a Google Shared drive integration to a Jira project. It's different to your scenario above, but I'm wondering if you'd be interested in taking a look before we release to give some feedback or input? If so, please feel free to book a time with me here: 

Joe Buttigieg February 13, 2024

Hi Andrea,

Sorry to jump in on someone else's question but you mentioned that you are working on a Google Shared drive integration. Is that still the case.

I really like this add on 

But we would need the ability to control all of this via API for what we need it for, and I can see API access has been on their request list for many years.

Our use case is:

  • We have lots of client documents on Google Drive, broken up into sub folders by client and year
  • We have a project set up per group of clients
  • We have a Jira issue per client per year, and we want to display the GD documents for the client. 
  • As there are thousands of clients, we want the ability to set the connect GD folder via API

As such, I was wondering how your project is going and whether it might be useful for our need.



Andrea Ho
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 13, 2024

Thank you for reaching out @Joe Buttigieg! We shipped a beta experience to a limited number of customers which was very limited in functionality - only allowing a whole shared drive to be connected to a whole Jira project.

This won't solve for your situation but we're still collecting insights on all the different use cases so this is very helpful for us as we hope to re-launch it with a much richer set of capabilities in the future.

If you're open to having a chat with us about how you use these products together we'd love to have a chat with you - you can send me an email to (I can't see your contact details via the community so I'll need you to reach out to me to initiate).

Many thanks,


Felix Bauer
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June 4, 2024

@Andrea Ho is this already rolled out to GA? How can one get access to this?



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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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April 25, 2023

I don't think that it can be done with Automation for Jira, because uploading large files to Google Drive would require a long-running "upload request" sent from AFJ to Google, which I think is not doable.

Solution if you can write code

You would need to write a script in Python or your favorite programming language that:

  1. Runs the JQL 
  2. Iterates over the result
    1. Downloads the attachments of the current issue
    2. Uploads those to Google Drive

I'm quite sure you will find a Python client library for GDrive which should make it fairly easy.

0 votes

Hi , One way you can do this as like ,

Export the Jql issue's to Excel sheet and save that Excel to your Google Drive .

when ever require, you can import those issues to the required project using inbuild Jira importing feauture.


i hope this may solve your issue . but automating this process is not possible i think.


Sorry for the wrong answer. i havent seen the word Attachments there.

for Attachments i dont know how we can do this . I'm following this request to know how we can do that.

Sorry again

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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April 25, 2023

Hi @Albert Hristov 

JQL provides only a list of issues which meet certain criteria. I'm not sure that you can use it, as is, to upload anything anywhere. I would suggest that you use an app from the marketplace to connect your instance to your google drive. Especially this app, can sync your files as well.

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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April 25, 2023

But feel free to look on your own for apps that suit your needs.

Albert Hristov April 25, 2023

The app does not really offer what we need. We are storing a lot of files in a lot of issues and we need an Automation to go through all files and all issues of certain type which we can easily distinct via JQL. 

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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April 25, 2023

@Albert Hristov I've read your post twice, and yes I misunderstood what you wanted to achieve. So basically, you have in place your JQL and you have your issues which have all the attachments that you want to send to google drive. In order to upload them to google drive, for sure you have to look at this specific API.

For Jira I would use the:

GET /rest/api/3/attachment/content/{id}

from to get the attachment, but just to be honest, I haven't try it since there was no need.

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