IQL: How to query the object attributes of one of many of same type child object of parent object

Don Ramsey May 29, 2023

I am very familiar with using Insight IQL inR() and outR() to query a linked object's attributes but... 

What if I have a parent object type "House"  where there are child attributes called "Owner", "Residents", "Caretaker" where each of these attributes are of the same object type "Human". Now... what if I want to query specifically the "Birthday" attribute of the "Owner" Humans. As in "Give me a list of all the houses where the owner is born before 1980". So if I try "objectType = House AND and object having outR(objectType = "Human" and "Birthday" < 1980)" it queries Owners, Residents and Caretakers. How can I just query the Owners from a linked query?

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Don Ramsey May 29, 2023

never mind, I discovered refType field can be used for that

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