I need to create a report that tracks how long an issue has been open excluding weekend.

Roberto Paiz May 10, 2023

I need to keep track of all open defects with priority critical that are still open after 1 day, but I need to exclude Saturdays and Sundays. 

Same for defects that are high priority but that are still open after 2 days also excluding weekends.

I need to still be able to track the items even if they are marked as done.  So all items that missed the SLA are shown. 

I tried using the following but didn't work: 

Project = Rocket AND issuetype = bug AND Priority=high AND status = "Done" AND resolutiondate >= startOfWeek() AND resolutiondate <= endOfWeek() AND issueFunction in dateCompare("created", "resolutiondate", "workingDaysBetween(created, resolutiondate) <= 2")


Scripted function "dateCompare" compilation failure. Contact administrator and check logs. Message: The comparison must contain exactly one comparison operator which is either >, <, =, <= or >=.

If there is a better way, I'm all ears. 


1 answer

1 accepted

1 vote
Answer accepted
May 10, 2023

Hi Roberto,

Please check the below JQL search

For open defects with priority "Critical" that are still open after 1 working day (excluding weekends)

project = Rocket AND issuetype = Bug AND priority = Critical AND status != Closed AND status != Resolved AND created <= -1d AND resolutiondate is EMPTY AND created >= startOfWeek(-1w) AND created <= endOfWeek(-1w) OR (created <= -1d AND resolutiondate is EMPTY AND created >= endOfWeek(-2w) AND created <= startOfWeek(-2w))


For high priority defects still open after 2 working days (excluding weekends)

project = Rocket AND issuetype = Bug AND priority = High AND status != Closed AND status != Resolved AND created <= -2d AND resolutiondate is EMPTY AND created >= startOfWeek(-1w) AND created <= endOfWeek(-1w) OR (created <= -2d AND resolutiondate is EMPTY AND created >= endOfWeek(-2w) AND created <= startOfWeek(-2w))



Roberto Paiz May 10, 2023

Hi Ramyaallena, 

The JQL search does not work. It doesn't show any errors, but it doesn't show high priority defects still open after 2 working days (excluding weekends). 


Roberto Paiz May 15, 2023

Never mind it work perfectly. 

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