I can't use bulk change even with global persmission set

Jules January 9, 2020

Trying to get bulk change added to my Next Gen project as described here


I set global permissions for bulk change 


Still does not show bulk change option.



Appreciate ANY help, spent too long trying to figure this out. 

Thank you, Jules

1 answer

1 vote
DNIssueCollector January 9, 2020

I believe you should only be able to bulk change issues from Issue Search, and the screenshot looks like you are trying from the Active Sprint screen.

Click on "Search" from the left sidebar and then click on "View All: Issues." Then create a query that includes the issues you wanted to change and then try the ellipses and Bulk change.

Jules January 9, 2020

Appreciate you trying to help but that also doesn't give me the bulk change option.


Jules January 9, 2020

Sorry, I get it now. Thank you! That explains it!!! Huge thanks.

Jules January 9, 2020

But what i'm trying to do is select by cherry picking certain issues to either assign them a label en bulk, or put into an epic, or close, etc. Do you know if that is possible? I thought you could select several issues and then do 'an action, like close, or assign a label, etc.

DNIssueCollector January 9, 2020

Yep yep. Actions (transitions) and assigning labels (edits) are two different operations, so you would need to tackle each operation type separately.

In any case, once you start the bulk change process, it will give you the option to click the check box next to the specific issues that you want to include in the bulk change.

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