How to version control Script runner Scripts in gitlab

nkmori_rtx_com December 10, 2024

Is it possible to version control script runner scripts in GITLAB?

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Tuncay Senturk
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December 11, 2024

Yes, it is possible to version control your ScriptRunner scripts in GitLab (or any other Git-based system).

If you use ScriptRunner scripts as text-based Groovy files rather than using directly in the app, you can store and manage them in a Git repository. All you need to do is create a local directory to organize your ScriptRunner scripts, put all your groovy files in this folder (like below)

- my-project-scripts
-- listeners
-- jobs
-- validators
-- ...

commit and push these changes to your remote Gitlab repository. In this case, you will have versioned scripts, who did what, and when.

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