How to show an issue is dependent upon another issue

Deleted user October 4, 2019

other than using the Link function to show an issue is blocking another issue, how can I show one issue is dependent upon another

And if I use the "Blocked By" link function where does this show???

2 answers

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kpink November 6, 2019

there is now visual option.  In Classic you could have a status of Blocked which we used and the user had to select a 'blocker'.  The closest I have been able to come up with, and is far from ideal is to show linked issues in a filter, but that is not on the board and you can't distinguish between bockers, related, children, etc

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October 4, 2019

Hi @[deleted] 

Issue linking feature is the best approach for setting relationship between two or more Jira issues. It will show the relation under the issue links tab on both the issues. You can edit or delete the links anytime.

If not, you can refer the key of the issue to be related anywhere in description or comment. Just add the issue key and Jira will automatically turns it into a URL link to the particular Jira issue.

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