I am using the following code to show table in Jira. You can notice that the text is not centered. For example, the cross and the checkmark are not centered. How can I make them centered? Here is my code below:
package SuperFeature
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version
import com.atlassian.jira.bc.project.component.ProjectComponent
import com.atlassian.jira.bc.project.component.ProjectComponentManager
import com.atlassian.jira.security.JiraAuthenticationContext
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.label.LabelManager
import SuperFeature.Configuration_SuperFeature
def log = Logger.getLogger('atlassian-jira.log')
List < String > componentList = new ArrayList < String > ()
if (issue.getComponents().size() == 0) {
issue.update {
String text = "*(x){color:red} Sub issue features cannot be generated given that the super feature "+issue+" has 0 components.{color}*\n"+
"(on) *If you want to generate sub features, you should specify at least 1 component for the super feature "+issue+" and retry.* "
setCustomFieldValue('Execution Summary', text )
} else if (issue.getFixVersions().size() == 0) {
issue.update {
String text = "Issue does not have any fix versions\n"
setCustomFieldValue('Execution Summary', text)
} else {
int componentSize = issue.getComponents().size()
int generatedIssuesCounter= 0
int nonGeneratedIssuesCounter= 0
for (ProjectComponent component: issue.getComponents()) {
String componentName = component.getName()
if (!componentName.contains("-") || componentName.startsWith("-")) {
componentList.add("|*"+componentName+"*| (x) |A valid component should be under the form *PROJ-COMP* "+
"where *PROJ* is the project name and *COMP* is an existing component name within *PROJ*.|")
} else{
def shortenedComponentName = componentName.substring(componentName.indexOf("-") + 1)
def projectName = componentName.substring(0, componentName.indexOf("-"))
def newIssueproject = ComponentAccessor.projectManager.getProjectObjByKey(projectName)
List < ProjectComponent > newList = new ArrayList < > (newIssueproject.getComponents());
def found = newList.any {
if (found) {
componentList.add("|*"+componentName+"* | (/) |"+" "+"|")
} else{
componentList.add("|*"+componentName+"* | (x) | The component *" +shortenedComponentName+ "* is not present within the project *"+projectName+"*.|")
issue.update {
String text = " *The super feature* " + issue + " *will be split as follows:*\n"+
"* (/) " + generatedIssuesCounter + " sub feature(s) will be generated - 1 sub feature for each component.\n"+
"* (x) "+nonGeneratedIssuesCounter+" sub feature(s) cannot be generated.\n"+
" (on) More detailed information is displayed below: \n"
text = text + componentList.join("\n") ;
setCustomFieldValue('Execution Summary', text)