Hi there, I hope you're doing great. I'm new to Jira automation and would like to know how to list all assignees with un-done tasks separately in one Slack message.
I used the following format, and it returns the list of issues and the name of the assignee to the issue belongs to, out of ideas:
*{{assignee.displayName}}* <{{url}}|{{key}}> | {{parent.summary}} - {{summary}}
I would like to achieve the following goal, if possible:
Assignee display name #1
<{{url}}|{{key}}> | {{parent.summary}} - {{summary}}
Assignee display name #2
<{{url}}|{{key}}> | {{parent.summary}} - {{summary}}
Assignee display name #3
<{{url}}|{{key}}> | {{parent.summary}} - {{summary}}
I hope that it's understandable what I'm trying to do here. Thank you for any ideas, folks!