How to change access viewer see the CV

Duyen Nguyen October 6, 2023

Hi Members of Jira Communicate,

I am Talent Acquisition.
I would like to ask how to change the access user so that the interviewer role will not view or search CV ( with the CV moved to Accepted/Rejected as a picture).Jira board.png
Many thanks

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 6, 2023

Hi @Duyen Nguyen 

As long as user has access to the jira issue, they'll have access to the attachments, you cant hide them from specific users. As a workaround, you can password protect files & then upload, so only specific people with password would be able to see the content of the files.

Hope this helps.

Duyen Nguyen October 6, 2023

Thanks @Vishal , 

In case, I would like to hide the issues on recruitment board after changing Accepted/Rejected. Can you guide me?

Many thanks for your reply. 

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 6, 2023

Hi @Duyen Nguyen 

You can achieve this by doing 2 things :

1. You can change the board query & hide issues which are in Accepted or Rejected status, here configuring board is explained in detail. But this will exclude the issues entirely & no one would be able to see them on board.

2. You can set issue security when in status Accepted or Rejected. This will allow you to hide issues from specific users only, this way you'll have the issue on board but will be hidden from only specific people. Check this article to understand more how to configure it.

Duyen Nguyen October 8, 2023

Hi @Vishal ,

 Thank you for your reply

I tried the instructions above, but my Project doesn't look like that.

Thank you for your patience with me :)

Jira board 2.png

Jira board 1.png 

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 11, 2023

Hi @Duyen Nguyen 

Seems like you are using free instance of jira cloud, the UI changes a bit but the functionality should remain same. For example the project settings option is available as highlighted below :

Project Settings.jpg

Duyen Nguyen October 11, 2023

Hi @Vishal ,

I tried to find the security function in the Project Settings. But I cannot see the function hide the issue after changing the status. (T.T)
Anyway, I would like to say thank you for your help. :)

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