How do I add Project management template into Jira?

Mukovhe August 12, 2020

I want project manager deliverable s templates build in Jira for reuse in different project depending on my Company's Project sizes namely small, medium, large and programme.

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Ste Wright
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August 12, 2020

Hi @Mukovhe 

When you say template, do you mean a custom project template of the configuration (eg. workflows, fields, etc) to use during project creation?

If yes, it's not possible to add a new template into the project creation screen - but you can choose to share configuration with a pre-existing project.

As a Jira Admin:

  1. Go to Projects > Create Project
  2. On the first screen - when entering a Project Key and Name, check the box "Share settings with an existing project"
  3. Choose which project to share settings with and press "Create"

^ This way, you can reuse the same workflows, screens, etc from one project to another. Your first project could be the "template".

Note: This is not available with the Free version of Jira.

Let us know if this isn't what you meant so we can assist further :)


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