How Long In Status

Lisa Stewart
February 23, 2023

I am trying to figure out how long a ticket has been in a certain status. I am sure it is something simple that I am missing..

Here is what I have so far:


project = XXXX ssuetype in standardIssueTypes() AND status in (Open, "In Progress", "On Hold", Intake, New, "HLE Estimate", "HLE Proposed", "HLE Approved", "DLE Estimate", "DLE Proposed", "DLE Approved", "DLE Reviewed", "HLE Reviewed") AND created >= 2021-01-01 AND created <= 2023-02-28 ORDER BY created DESC


Can anyone help me find the time in the current status? 

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Charlie Misonne
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February 23, 2023

Hi Lisa,

If you want to display the time in the current status in the search results I'm afraid that's not possible. The data exists but Jira does not show it as such. It is available in the control chart erpot for example.
Some plugins can also show it or you could use custom scripting but I understand you want none of those.

There are several articles and discussions about this including this one on the community.

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