Having trouble populating a date time picker custom field in Jira automation.

Hitesh May 4, 2023


I am trying to auto populate a comment when a ticket is created in Jira. So we have written a automation rule and we want to show a Date time picker custom field along with the comment body. But when we are testing that date time picker field is not auto populating. 

The automation is something like this.

-Issue created

-Re-fetch issue Data

-Edit issue (Date time picker field : {{now.plusDays(7)}}

-Add comment: (Body and the date time picker field)

Note: It is the same date time picker field from the above



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Trudy Claspill
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May 4, 2023

Hello @Hitesh 

Is your rule getting triggered?

Can you show us a screen image of the rule itself and the details of the Edit action?

Can you show us the Audit Log for the rule execution?

Can you show us an example of an issue that has that custom Date/Time field?

Hitesh May 8, 2023

@Trudy Claspill 

Thanks for the help.. it got resolved.

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