Field-lookup that pulls from another database is rendering improperly

Reed Wurts January 9, 2023

A Field-lookup that pulls from another database is rendering improperly; shows formatting characters instead of the data.  ...but only for lookups where the successfully-looked-up-and-saved client-ID Field has content with a leading zero.  ... anywhere from a 5-character to 11-character alpha-numeric ID number, although many are only numeric characters.

The View screen displays fields contents as:  Unknown id: 14737761       

.. However, that ID really has a leading zero in the DB it pulls from, as in 014737761, and JIRA does the initial, Create-Issue lookup (via keyed-in name or ID), ... does the lookup just fine, but is storing the ID, or reading-it-after-storage, with the result that it's not displaying the lookup from the source properly, after the first time; instead of displaying actual data, it displays the rendering-formatting characters instead...

Edit screen displays fields contents as: {1}, (2), {(0)}, DOB: (3) Sex (4)

...for ID numbers that DO NOT have a leading zero, of the 9 digits, the data displays properly on both View and Edit screens, as:  Wurts, Reed (123456789) DOB:1/9/1923 Sex:Male

It seems that the ID is getting looked up, by either typing the name or the ID 'number', and that initial lookup displays the right name and DOB info too. Once one saves the Create screen, however, and goes to View, the auto-look-up, with the last-stored-value seems to not reconcile the IDs that have a leading 0, so doesn't re-pull the Name, DOB, and Sex properly for display. ... displaying incorrectly, showing the data rendering-format characters instead, as above.

Background:  We upgraded from 6.4.2 > 7.13.8, over multiple version-steps, and am sure I resolved this issue once during testing, after upgrading the various jtds, jdbc, and DataBaseValues drivers, in multiple steps, but haven't reproduced the solution.

Please advise. Thank you!

More info...

for the external lookup connection: mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre8.jar, database-values-plugin-5.2.jar, both in the WEB-INF\classes folder. It does the lookup the first time, but the now-populated ID number, doesn't populate the data properly in auto-look-up of that stored ID number, in both in the View and Edit screens,. ... as described above.


System EncodingCp1252
Operating SystemWindows Server 2012 R2 6.3
OS Architectureamd64
Application Server ContainerApache Tomcat/8.5.35
Database typeMSSQL
Database version13.00.5026
Database driverMicrosoft JDBC Driver 6.4 for SQL Server
Database collationSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

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