
Hannah Rayer October 31, 2018

Hi -

I have a Jira board which was configured with a query of "project = xxx", and all the epics showed in the epic panel.

I now need to exclude tickets linked to specific epics because they're being managed on a different board by a different PM, so I updated my query to "project = xxx AND "Epic Link" not in (GR-7634, INT-4, YB-345) ORDER BY Rank and the Epic panel is now empty.

The board is correctly showing all of the tickets I'm expecting to see, but the epic list is empty. If I open one of the tickets that is being shown on the board, and open the epic link, and "View on Agile board" I get the message "There are no boards which contain this issue." - BUT the ticket IS showing in the board.

Why would excluding certain tickets make the entire Epic panel empty?


Screen Shot 2018-10-31 at 17.25.17.png

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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October 31, 2018

Do any of the issues that are on the board have Epic links to epics you are not excluding?

Edit:  Typing that made me remember what it was.  None of the Epics you want in your panel have Epic links to Epics that you have not excluded.  So the "not in" is hiding them.

You'll need a query that re-includes all the Epics you need.


Hannah Rayer October 31, 2018

Ah - well I have the same problem on another board which is in fact doing the opposite and is very specifically only including tickets where the Epic IS IN, and the same problem is manifesting.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 31, 2018

My guess would be that your query is now excluding all epic tickets because it's filtering on the "epic link" field which isn't on epic tickets, but on tickets in the epic.  You'd probably need to edit the query to re-add in the epics.

Hannah Rayer October 31, 2018

Ah, that makes sense! Cool thanks I should be able to fix it now.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 31, 2018

That is also what I said in my edit...

Hannah Rayer October 31, 2018

Yes - I realise that now! It was the speech marks around "Epic link" that switched on the lightbulb!

Thanks both :)

Rose Boisseau
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