Epic Pie Chart in Next Gen

Charlie Beckett March 2, 2020

I've tried for a while but this might be a limitation of next gen projects.  I am trying to do a simple pie chart of epics based on the roadmap of a nextgen project.

Ideally the pie chart would contain epic name and count.


Any help or hope of fixing, greatly appreciated.

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Ste Wright
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March 8, 2020

Hi @Charlie Beckett

When you mention pie chart - would this be on a dashboard?

Also not sure what you mean by including Epic Name and Count - what is the pie chart counting?


Scott_Stephan March 17, 2020

Epic Names don't show on Filters and haven't for 2+ years. Welcome to Jira!

Ste Wright
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 9, 2020

Hi @Scott_Stephan

Epic names do show on issue searches - if there's something we can help with in regards to this let us know :)


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