Epic Name/Link Colors on Epic Card Kanban View No longer available

Markus March 31, 2023

I know about the changes at https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-articles/Upcoming-changes-to-epic-fields-in-company-managed-projects/ba-p/1997562 are rolling out. My Company just got it, but it is really frustrating that there is no option to enable the epic name on the front of the cards in a kanban view.


We have a board with epics that are currently in progress (or wherever on the workflow) and we relied on the colors we assign them to quickly move them around to where they need to go. Any new options im missing to re-enable this feature?


I understand the goal is for the Epic Summary to be the same as the Epic Name, but this completely breaks something my company has been using for organization. Yes you can still color code if you click in on the card, but the loss of the color on the front of the Epic card is major when dealing with a board full of only epic cards.

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Magdalena Zhisheva
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April 7, 2023

Hi @Markus , 

I guess that we still do not have this change in our instance, but what will happen if you go to epics panel in the backlog and click on Colours?

Markus April 7, 2023

The colors have always been there, this issue are the epic cards themselves in the kanban view are not showing the the epic name colors. We use a kanban view to organize our epics by colors and this new feature broke our organization.

A workaround I found was mapping the card colors to the issue colors, which helps.


Luckily I talked to support and they rolled back my instance because they said it was a bug.

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