Dashboard access issue with Normal user

sanjay_sapra May 11, 2021

Hi Team ,

Please help , how normal user can share view access to a group/user for any dashboard created by user.


Attached snap shot , I have tried but not able to share the filter and dashboard both,jira grp access.JPG

2 answers

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sanjay_sapra May 11, 2021

@Vikrant Yadav  I have checked and working fine now . Below steps I have done .

1) Go to global permission 

2) Grant Permission for Share dashboards and filters for the required users .

Now able to share the filter and dashboard with Normal users.

Vikrant Yadav
Community Leader
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May 11, 2021

@sanjay_sapra  Great! Glad to hear it fixed!

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Vikrant Yadav
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 11, 2021

Hi @sanjay_sapra Sharing is done when you Edit Dashboard permission and you have to share filter also which are used in Dashobard gadget with them, then only they can see gadgets in dashobard. 



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