Is there anyone with experience in using Scriptrunner to write a custom picker scripted field?
I have to following use case: I will attempt to use the REST API from SAP4/HANA to retrieve WBS Elements as documented here:
We use those elements to store project numbers. We will use them in Jira Stories to determine, which stories belongs to which project number in SAP.
I found a documentation from adaptavist about how to set up a custom picker field using REST API:
Now my question: According to the documentation, "Retrieving information from REST resources can be expensive. Each time the issue is viewed, the code making the REST request is called in order to get the item; hence it is advisable to cache responses."
- therefore, it is advisable to use caching. The documentaion of Adaptavist says: "As always, with caching, there is a balance between the cache size (limiting the memory consumed by the cached objects), the staleness of objects in the cache, and the cost of reloading new ones."
I have never used caching before and therefore have no experience about how to achieve the best amount of caching. Has anyone ever done such thing before? Are there any best practises about this? What should I do to determine the optimal amount of caching?