Custom field - Script based autofill

Manoj August 22, 2022

Hi All, 

Pls guide, there are 2 custom fields in a project, now i want to autofill one of the custom field and other one gets filled based on selection of 1st custom field.

for example,  I have custom field called cost centre (90c, 91c,9c etc) and cost centre name like canada91c, canada92c, canada90c). so as while updating issue ticket if i pick up 90c then cost centre name gets autofill with the result as "canada90c",

i believe it is achievable but unable to frame in script custom field, any guidance will be great. Thanks in advance.


Regards, M


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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
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August 22, 2022

Hi @Manoj ,

in order to do taht you should put in place a behaviour provided by ScriptRunner plugin. Here an overview about brìehaviours

Hope this helps,


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