Clean up label every monday or day

Jonata Ariel Silveira
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June 3, 2020


how can i do an automation that every monday clears all labels?

because my trello is to daily activities.


Thank you

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John Funk
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June 3, 2020

Hi Jonata - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

You can create an Automation For Jira rule that uses a Schedule component to run at a certain time.

Then add the JQL you want to run it against (basically a filter).

Then add a component to the rule for Edit Issue. 

Select the Labels field and just leave the This field will be cleared option in place. 

Jonata Ariel Silveira
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
June 5, 2020

Hi Jhon


Every time when i will allow Jira i have a problem


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Thank you 

John Funk
Community Leader
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June 5, 2020

What were you doing when you got the error? Here is a better guide to get to Automation For Jira

  1. Go to Project Settings > Project Automation (on left-hand menu)
  2. Press Create Rule in top-right corner
  3. Select the Trigger "Scheduled" and press Save
  4. Next Select to add an Action, and choose "Edit Issue"
  5. Select the field Label
  6. Select the options icon (3-dots) - and choose "Add/remove values"
  7. Enter the value you want as a default and press Save
  8. Name your Automation and turn it on

Now when each issue is created, it will add the desired default label as long as the issue is created in that project. You might need to refresh the page after each issue creation to see it.

You can do this via global rules to apply to all projects also. You'll need to be a Jira Admin/Site Admin, then instead of going to Project Settings, go to Jira Settings (cog icon on left-hand navigation bar) > System > Automation Rules (left-hand menu).

For more on using Automation For Jira see these help pages.

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