Can you combine data of 2 different tickets in one row?

Lukasz Lewandowski
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March 23, 2020

Hello all! 

I'm trying to create a dashboard that allows me to see certain fields from 2 different tickets that are linked with each other. 

Example: Ticket 1 has a 'linked issue' to Ticket 2. 

Now from Ticket 1 I want to take some details (such as create date, assignee, etc) and from the linked Ticket 2 I want to take some other details (such as due date, status, etc). 

Is there a way to merge those details into one row? 

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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January 10, 2023

Hi @Lukasz Lewandowski ,

unfortunately, you can't do that using builtin feature.


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