Can Jira automatically clone a Parent task by setting a new due date?

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April 4, 2023

Is it possible to automatically clone a Parent Task in Jira by setting a due date for one week later after the task status switched to DONE?

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Sam Nadarajan
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April 4, 2023

Hello @Emir and welcome to the Community!


It sounds like Automation rules would be your best option to accomplish what you've described here.

I envision 1 or 2 automation rules here:


Trigger: Issue Transitioned (to the Done status)

Action: Create Issue (specify fields and type from the task you want to copy from) or Clone Issue

Action: Set Due Date to 1 week from today (I'm guessing this would apply to the newly cloned task - in which case you'd want to Re-fetch issue data before this action but before the above action).

If you can provide some additional detail we could offer a better recommendation. This is my current understanding of your question.

Hope this Helps!

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