Board filter - Can I order by rank but always show Critical ones to the top

Pete Ross February 2, 2023

I have my Jira board sorted by Rank as we would like to manually re-order items. However, we would also like to occasionally mark some tickets as critical and therefore have these always automatically show at the top of a column. Is there a way to do this with JQL in the board filter? E.g. Sorted by rank and Critical issues always show at the top of a column?

3 answers

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Dave Mathijs
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February 2, 2023

Hi @Pete Ross 

In that case I would use Swimlanes based on JQL where the top swimlane feature the critical issues only.

The "other" swimlane would then feature issues which are non-critical but can be ranked manually.

Pete Ross February 2, 2023

Thanks Dave - we were originally using this approach. We already have quite a few other swimlanes so were wondering if it could be achieved in the same swimlane with a JQL filter. However, think we might have to do as you say and add the swimlane back.

0 votes
Samuel Stephens February 2, 2023

Hi @Pete Ross

As @Dave Mathijs has suggested you could use swimlanes.

However as you've mentioned you have many other swimlanes so in this case I'd suggest setting your swimlanes up using the option for Queries. Then you could place your Critical query at the top of your board so they would always be shown first. Followed bu whatever other queries you'd like to display as swimlanes, perhaps by Priority?

Good luck!

0 votes
Pete Ross February 2, 2023


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