Automation of User creation in JIRA

Sulekha Antil
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August 14, 2020

We want to automate user creation in JIRA.We have a third party tool where we have list of all the JIRA groups and user raise request using that tool.Once the access of a user is approved on that group ,We want that user is added to JIRA group automatically.

How can we achieve that.Is it possible to MAP JIRA groups with Active directory groups and when a user is added to active directory group,It automatically added to the group in JIRA.


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WillemVanBuuren August 15, 2020

You can connect your LDAP / AD Server to Jira. Here you can see the supported Servers:

Sulekha Antil
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 20, 2020

I need little more details which I am not able to get from this document.After configuring Active directory,How the user would be added to JIRA.

Do we Need to create JIRA groups in Active directory and import those groups in JIRA and when a User is added to Active directory group that user would be synch in JIRA or there is any other process.

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