Automation - Create new ticket in new project at transition and set summary and custom field

Rising Star
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May 15, 2024

In jira cloud, I am trying to create an automation that:

1. On project 1, when a ticket is transitioned it will create a new ticket in project 2

2. In that new ticket in project two, I would like to copy the value of a custom short-text field (new media partner legal name) from the trigger ticket. To the same field in project 2 and also add to the summary.

I am trying to use {{triggerIssue.NewMediaPartnerLegalName}} but getting this in response.

Action details:

Create issue
Error creating issue
You must specify a summary of the issue. (summary)

I am guessing my value is wrong, any ideas? 

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Trudy Claspill
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May 15, 2024

Hello @philipf 

When asking for help with an Automation rule it will help us to help you if you include screen images that show the full automation rule and details of each step. Often the problem can be found in a syntax error or a context error.

The message you are seeing indicates that you are not setting the Summary field on the issue you are trying to create. Can you show us the details of the step where you are trying to set that field.


What type of field is the new media partner legal name field?

What is the exact name of the same field. If it includes spaces, then you need to include those spaces when using the field name as part of a smart value;

i.e. {{triggerIssue.New Media Partner Legal Name}}

Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 15, 2024

Thanks Trudy, I added back the spaces and it worked.

Bill Sheboy
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May 15, 2024

Hi @philipf 

For future reference in rule writing...

Smart values are name, spacing, and case-sensitive, and they do not always match the displayed name on the issue views.  When the wrong smart value is used, they collapse to null, and often show no errors in the audit log.

To confirm you have the correct smart values for a field, please use the how-to article below.  The essential steps are:

  • identify an example issue with your field
  • call the REST API function for issue view, with your example issue's key, using a browser tab
  • search on the page for your field, such as with Control-F for "find on page"
    • if you find the field, you can see the smart value, custom field id, and structure
    • if you do not find the field, it may not be supported by automation rules

Kind regards,

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Jerrold - Empyra
Rising Star
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May 15, 2024

Hi @philipf 

Instead of using smart value in the automation action you can use copy feature 

select the three dots beside the summary field and click on copyj11.PNG

once you clicked on copy it will show as highlighted then again you click on the highlighted area    


Then a pop up will show up in that we can select the copy value from and field to copy value from as you mentioned the (new media partner legal name) is a custom field type as short text the field should show in the drop down under field to copy value from.


Thank you.

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 15, 2024

this is great too, i am an idiot and couldn't fnd it. 

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Kalyan Sattaluri
Rising Star
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May 15, 2024

Hello @philipf 

 You have to reference the field exactly as shown on screen.

If its "new media partner legal name".. you have to use {{ media partner legal name}}.

and not {{triggerIssue.NewMediaPartnerLegalName}} , cause latter will not resolve to anything and summary is a required field so you maybe getting this error.

Maybe share screenshot of the field on the screen of the issue to confirm..


Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 17, 2024

that was it, thank you.

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