Automatic Creation of branch From JIRA

ajay sikka
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August 17, 2016

Presently, the workflow to manage our code is erroneous. To over come this we have decided upon the new workflow. Now with tool in hands we trying to implement this.

The first step towards implementing is to figure out the way to automatic create feature branch from develop when ever the item moves from TO-DO ---> In-Progress in JIRA.

I spent yesterday and today to figure this out but with no result. As per Atlassian documentation there is a way to create triggers that will automatically update item in JIRA whenever some action is performed against the item key. However, I need the other way round as in where if an item is moved from to-do --> in -progress a branch is created. Following is what I would like to achieve.

TO D0 --> In Progress -- branch forked out from Develop. In Progress --> Need Testing -- forked out branch merged into testing enviroment.

In Testing --> Testing Done --- Merge the forked branch to develop as well as staging and delete the fork branch.

Please suggest.

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Rafael Toledano Illán
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Straumann Group
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January 15, 2020

Is there any example / 'how to' available yet?

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Victor Vilaça de Freitas
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Angel February 7, 2019

I'd also like to have an example of this

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Vishal Gamji December 2, 2018

Any example(s) would be appreciated.

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ajay sikka
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August 18, 2016

Hi Tarun, 

Thanks for the link. I went through it and unfortunately I could not find what I want. Or perhaps I wasn't able to specific the requirements clearly.  The links talks how creating triggers on workflow in JIRA will help to transition item from one state to another in JIRA itself based upon the action that has being done in the linked software (in our case it is BItBucket). So what I understand is that the communication happens from linked software(BitBucket) to JIRA.


However my requirement is whenever an item in JIRA is moved from TO-DO to In-Porgress a branch is created in BiTBucket. In this scenario Bitbucket is reacting to action that has being done at the JIRA Level. 

I hope this is possible.




Tarun Sapra
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August 18, 2016

For that please write a workflow post-function to create a branch in bitbucket, from the post-function of the workflow you can invoke a webhook which is basically a REST call to create a branch in bitbucket. 

Jordi Beltran January 10, 2018

Hello Tarun,


Would you have any example of this webhook? I've tried it but not success for now

Tim Fry June 12, 2018

@Tarun Sapra -  Would you have any example of this webhook?  I'm very interested to see how you have it setup.



Greg P June 29, 2018

I am also interested...has anyone got an example yet?

Bastien Lespinasse April 14, 2020

If anyone has an example, that would be great!

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Tarun Sapra
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August 17, 2016

Hi @ajay sikka,


Please see here , this documentation should answer your queries -

Triggering branch/code commits/ merge etc during workflow transition.

B Parris
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June 20, 2019


Did you ever come up with a solution for creating a branch through a post function on an issue's transition from ToDo to In Progress?  We could really use this!  Thanks in Advance!

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