Add workflow restriction when a field is blank on a team managed board

Christina Evans May 16, 2024

I need to add a workflow restriction where users cannot transition an issue to a status when certain fields are blank.

It is a team managed board. 

I tried using a transition rule "Restrict to when a field is a specific value" but I do not know how to tell Jira that the value cannot be empty.

If possible, I would prefer to not use automation as I would like the user to have immediate feedback and not think they have transitioned their issue, then miss the email notification that the transition was rejected.


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Vijay Dadi
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May 16, 2024

@Christina Evans ,

This can be achieved with conditions in your transition conditions.

You can find more information in below documentation.

Configure advanced issue workflows | Atlassian Support

Christina Evans May 16, 2024


Thank you for the reference, however it does not contain granular enough information to answer my question.

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