Hello, everyone!
I hope these samples of a SOAP web service client usage in a Jira custom plugin help you in your implementations .
You can find complete code here:
There are two part of the project:
jira-ws-plugin – the custom Jira plugin (8.13.6) with Axis2 SOAP web service client and its scheduled background job runner.
producing-ws-server – the Spring-boot sample web service server for the jira-ws-plugin demo. To start it just execute mvn spring-boot:run in comman line. You can check it with url http://localhost:8888/ws/currency.wsdl
Install the Atlassian SDK and configure your environment.
Create a new Jira plugin project.
It takes as input a WSDL and generates client stubs for calling a web service matching the WSDL.
<!-- Web Service -->
Some of it (with scope provided) to exclude the enforcer plugin "banned" dependencies
Also add to the Import-Package tag the following dependency:
We can run this service from the other part of the plugin
public class ExchangeRateServiceImpl implements ExchangeRateService {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExchangeRateServiceImpl.class);
public double exchangeRateUSD() {
double currencyValue = -1;
try {
CurrencyPortServiceStub stub = new CurrencyPortServiceStub();
// Authentication
// setAuth(stub, username, password);
CurrencyPortServiceStub.GetExchangeRateRequest request = new CurrencyPortServiceStub.GetExchangeRateRequest();
CurrencyPortServiceStub.GetExchangeRateResponse exchangeRateResponse = stub.getExchangeRate(request);
currencyValue = exchangeRateResponse.getExchangeRate().getCurrencyValue();
} catch (RemoteException rex) {
log.info("USD exchange rate: {}", currencyValue);
return currencyValue;
Manually with the REST resource (ExchangeRateService.java) - http://<JIRA_BASE_URL>rest/exchangerate/1.0/message
with the http GET response:
<value>USD exchange rate: 3.0</value>
or it can be scheduled as the background job runner (ScheduledWebService.java).
Anton Pichugin