A new way to view your issues in Jira Software projects

Hi Atlassian Community,

I’m a Product Manager in Jira Cloud and I'm excited to announce that we are bringing a new list to view all the tasks in your Jira Software project. This will make planning, grooming and tracking your project tasks even easier. For those who have worked with Jira Work Management and Business projects before, you will be familiar with this view. Let’s dive into some of the core features that will be available.

The list will be:

  • Available for all Jira Software customers, regardless of licence type
  • Across both Team-Managed and Company-Managed projects
  • Turned on by default and appear in the side navigation
  • Available to toggle on/off by Admins in Project Settings > Features


JSW list view toggle.png



The list is scoped to a single Software project and sits outside the context of the Board. All issues within the project will display by default, until a filter is applied from within the view.

List view in jira software.png

Some of the key features of the list include:

  • An easy to use filter: you can apply a number of quick filters such as Assigned to me and also filter by other specific fields such as Issue Type, Status, Label as well as Sprint and Story Points (or Story Point Estimate for Team-Managed Projects).
    • In order to keep things simple, you will only be able to filter by open sprints (active and to be started) and not closed sprints

    • To help you find the specific issues you are looking for, filters will return a flat list of issues, with no parent-child nesting

    • In Scrum projects, an Active Sprints quick filter will be available out of the box, which will show all issues in an open sprint

  • Group issues: issues can also be grouped by Status, Assignee, Priority, Story Points (or Story point estimate for Team-Managed project) and Sprint (when applicable)

  • Expand/collapse all issues: one of the benefits of the list is you can rollup child issues into their parents, to understand the context of tasks, or drill into parents to understand the scope of work. In the list you can expand or collapse all parents and children, through the three dot menu in the top right.

You can also use the columns to organise issues in the way you would like:

  • Columns can be reordered or hidden or used for sorting issues. 

  • In Team-managed projects, you can also create and add a new field to your project in context, without needing to visit the configuration screen

We will be rolling the list out to all Jira Software projects over the coming weeks. I’d love to hear any feedback or questions so please comment below!


April 8, 2024

Ahh, just checked my Features and it's not in the list yet.  I'm new to Jira Admin and we're setting up our instance and this will be a BIG plus for our users who are mostly business focused.


When you said it's turned on by default - will that mean that they are automatically added to existing projects once the feature becomes available on our instance?  Or will I have to go back and retrofit existing projects?

Loretta Brunette
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 8, 2024

hi @andy_johnston - it will be available to you in the coming weeks! Glad to hear the list will be useful. If you have time, i'd love to understand more about how you and your team will use the list view - feedback from customers like yourself is instrumental to building out our roadmap! here is a link to book time with me if/when this would work for you

The list will be turned on by default in existing projects too, so no extra action will be needed to enable this

François Dumas
April 12, 2024

Wow! What great news! 🤩 This is a game changer and will really be appreciated by our users.😃

I created some of the projects in my company as "Business Projects" just to be able to use the List feature, but now I will be able to migrate those to Software Projects as the other features fit more our needs.

We have the Tempo Structures App which also allows users to edit issues in-line, spreadsheet-style, but I find that a lot of more junior/casual or users don't use it as they it is slightly too complex or the threshold of entry is slightly too high.

I would very much like to provide feedback on this feature as well. @Loretta Brunette , would it be possible for me to book a time with the above provided link for that purpose?

Loretta Brunette
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 14, 2024

Hi @François Dumas - i'm so glad to hear the new list in Software projects is valuable for you and your users. Yes absolutely, please book some time in with me. If we can't get timezones to align please let me know and i'll email you directly to see what time we can make work. 

Like François Dumas likes this
April 17, 2024

Now the real question is why I have to pay extra for Jira Premium to have Plans(only in Premium) if the List view is free of charge and have the  main features(expanding hierarchy up to subtask level, editing, filtering and sorting issues) of Plans.

April 17, 2024

Hey @Loretta Brunette - we're pretty early days atm, we're developing an instance atm which will release mid-June - focused at first on PPM.   Then we'll roll out backlogs for the project level work.  I'll loop back to you once list views are introduced to our PPM environment, and how we're using them once we've set them up.

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Matt Budnyj April 22, 2024

Hi @Loretta Brunette  This is a game changer. If you can allow it to also display the levels above Epic (even if outside of the project) so that the team have that wider context without the need to click into the Epic or go to Plans, this would be amazing.  

April 22, 2024

@Matt Budnyj - we are going to use BigPicture for this - but you could look at Structure too - both are pretty good at displaying cross project, wider context across Jira Projects.  We choose BigPicture more becuase it has some flexibility across the Jira Issue Hierarchy (eg. we have software and business projects, and use a Parent/Child mapping in BigPicture)

I've looked at Plans - which can also do this - but it's a bit less advanced in terms of configuration, and view layouts etc.  So for us the spend on an Add-On is still worthwhile.

Daniel Franz - JXL
Atlassian Partner
April 22, 2024

@Matt Budnyj Above-mentioned BigPicture and Structure are good solutions, and then there is also JXL for Jira. It enables you to view and edit any issue type hierarchy you like, based on the Parent field and based on issue linking. You can inline-edit issues in highly customizable tables, copy-paste fields, sum up, rank, group and structure issues in custom hierarchy, apply conditional formatting, smart columns, issue history columns, and much more. (Disclaimer: I'm on the JXL team)

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Lisa N
May 10, 2024

I just noticed the new list view. What would make this actually usable for us is 1) the ability to filter by status (if it's there I couldn't easily find it), 2) the ability to save a list.

The ideal would be the option to change a filter view into a list view.

Like Paul Jones likes this
May 13, 2024

You can filter on the status @Lisa N , you have to click the filter button at the top, and scroll down the list (I think they alpha sort the list of fields?)  Under ...More there's also a separate "don't show done items".

Totally agree on the list save - I've also had mine reset a couple of times, so a saved config would be great.   Also having to click into ...More to get expand/collapse is a pain - that could just be on the column header as a button.

It's good to have it as a list view though, it'll be useful as it is progressed.

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Lisa N
May 13, 2024

Hmmm I still can't find a filter for status. When I open the filter menu, I see Labels, Reporter, Story Points, then Custom Fields.

May 13, 2024

??Weird - I see this.  But maybe you have an earlier iteration of the rollout?


Loretta Brunette
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 13, 2024

Hi @Lisa N - all users should be able to see the status in the filter on the list view. Are you able to see something similar to what @andy_johnston has posted above?


Loretta Brunette
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 13, 2024

@andy_johnston - thanks for the feedback. Although you can't save a certain configuration on the list as of yet, the settings you apply such as column order, are saved locally. So you will always see these applied on the same device and browser. However, there is a local storage limit of 5MB. 

I have also captured your feedback about needing to click into the more menu to expand/collapse. Will chat with the team about this

Lisa N
May 14, 2024

@Loretta Brunette I would swear it wasn't there yesterday but I do see it now. 

Michael McPadden May 15, 2024

Hi @Loretta Brunette . This is a very helpful feature that my product owners will love. Do you know when it will support adding the "Version Picker (single version)" custom field type to a list?   That would help us enormously. 

Loretta Brunette
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 15, 2024

Hi @michael - that is great to hear. We are working on additional field support as we speak, including for the "version picker (single version)" and this will rollout over the coming weeks. I'll let you know when we begin rolling out so you know to add it as a column to your list

Michael McPadden May 16, 2024

Thank you so much @Loretta Brunette Adding support of that field type will make the list feature super useful for our Product Team. Love it! :) 

Paul Jones
May 23, 2024

@Loretta Brunette - this function is great and really handy! 👍

It seems that it isn't possible to add fields that are dependent dropdowns to the list view. I am not sure if this hasn't been implemented or I am doing something wrong but it would be very helpful to have this if it hasn't been implemented.

I would second comments above saving list views and the expand/collapse of content in field.

Loretta Brunette
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2024

thanks for the feedback @Paul Jones - select list (cascading) and dependent dropdowns are a bit harder to support in a list type format. We have no current plans to support these fields but let me pass the feedback on to the team

Carlo Riccio May 24, 2024

good job

Frederik Vindum
May 28, 2024

Thanks for providing insights to new features and for continuously improving the platform.

However, I struggle to understand the hype here: what can I do that I not already can do with the Issues page? Is _Lists_ better somehow? In that case I suggest merging the two.

Cheers :-)

François Dumas
May 28, 2024

@Frederik Vindumthe fact that the "List" view can display Parent-Child issue hierarchy (e.g. Epic, Story & Sub-Task) in a collapsable tree is the biggest benefit to me. 


Whether or not this feature should be merged/integrated into the "Issues" view is a good point though.

Alexandre WALLET
June 5, 2024

Indeed the capability to play with Parent Child view easily is something that was really missing and force to use Plans when dealing with several epics hierarchy (especially for me coming from Redmine tool).

Having this new tab is useful however it may somehow be merged with the "issue" tab at one point.

I can see my team still prefer to use the "issue" view because we have more control on the columns displayed and especially the "fix version" (sometimes also called release in Jira -no consistent-). But the issue view lacks of live update buttons so we lose clicks & time.

I feel that somehow some legacy in various Jira views make the tool complex and require many clicks while the needs are sometimes very basic (see the -open- tickets with their parent hierarchy and allow to filter by any existing field). Today "issues" & "list" only do a different half of this need.

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