Next Gen board missing all Epics

John DiPaola
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August 7, 2020

I initially set up 4 Epics in my backlog.  When viewing the board, with the Group By drop down listed as Epic, all four Epics would be viewed.  Now, only one is showing along with "Issues without Epic".  Why"

In addition, there is also a drop down on the board, next to the People icon, that shows Epic and when the drop down is clicked, all four Epics can be selected.   Again, only one Epic is shown on the board. If I pick on Epic in the dropdown that is not of course is not show on the board.

When I originally set this up, I could see all my Epics, grouped by Epics and I could see all my "tasks" underneath.   I do not know why I can only see one Epic?

I created a new Next Ten project, added 4 Epics in the Backlog but now the filter that was next to the People icon is no longer there.  Also, none of the four Epics are on the board.  Why?

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Ste Wright
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August 8, 2020

Hi @John DiPaola 

A few different questions here:

Group By Epics:

  • Group By Epics shows each Epic's children in swimlanes on the board
  • These swimlanes only appear if an Epic has at least one issue on the board
  • So if the Epic has no children, if all its issues have reached "done" and dropped off the board or if this is a sprint and none of the Epic's children are in it - the Epic won't be on the board.

Epic Drop-Down:

  • Similar to "Group By" - this is a filter as opposed to a choice to show an Epic on the board view.
  • Selecting an Epic from this drop-down shows any of the Epic's child issues which are currently on the board
  • If there are no child issues on the board, the selection will show nothing

Missing Drop-Down:

  • The drop-down is usually missing if there is no Epic created in the project. It will then change to filtering for standard issue types (called "Type")
  • If there are also no other standard issue types then the field will be hidden
  • I would first check whether the issues you created were Epic-level!

Let us know if you have any further questions :) - or if any of this doesn't match the view of your projects/boards!


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