Install Rejected App: Can I "Reset" a Rejection?

Matt Majer
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May 13, 2021

Another administration inadvertently rejected an application we would like installed.

That status for the app is rightfully now showing as "REJECTED" in my app requests screen.

I would like to install it, however when I go to the app page in Marketplace the "Install App" button has been replaced with "App request reviewed and rejected."

Is there a way to reset it so we can install the app?

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Tim Nachbauer
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July 12, 2023

We have the same problem with the plugin "Numbered Headings for Confluence by Kolekti". Our URL is "". How can we fix it?

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Brant Schroeder
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May 19, 2021

@Matt Majer Welcome to the community.  It sounds like this is a bug in this recently released product addition.  I would suggest that you submit a support request to Atlassian about the issue.  They will be able to fix it for you and eventually fix the bug if it is identified as one.

Dillon Weyer October 28, 2022

I am facing the same problem. App request was rejected a few months back, but now has been agreed to be installed, however status is still rejected and user cant request to install and admin have not options to install either.

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