How to copy domain to a custom field

SunilKumar.Shangishetty December 9, 2020

I'm trying to copy the Domain name to a custom field every time when the issue is created.

Can someone help me with this.

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Mykenna Cepek
Community Leader
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December 9, 2020

The easiest way to accomplish this would be to use Automation in Jira.

Specifically, you'll want a rule that:

  • Starts with the "Issue Created" trigger
  • And then uses an "Edit Issue" action to Copy the Domain field value to the other custom field (three-dots menu > Operations > Copy From).

Here's a link to get started with Automation (in case you haven't used it before):

Be aware that there are limits on Automation usage with the Jira Free plan:

In particular, note the 100 "rule executions" per month limit for the Free plan.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

An alternative solution is to set a Post Function on the Create step in the Workflow:

  • Edit the workflow for the project.
  • View the workflow as a Diagram (not as Text).
  • Click on the "Create" transition (coming out of the circle).
  • Click the "Post Functions" hyperlink in the pop-up.
  • Click "Add post function".
  • Select "Copy Value From Other Field".
  • Click "Add" to add the new post function to the Create transition.
  • Be sure to "Publish Draft" so that your new workflow is saved and deployed.

This approach is a bit more hidden, but there is no "execution limitation".

SunilKumar.Shangishetty December 9, 2020

Hi Mykenna,

Thanks for the quick response. we don't have a field called Domain, I want to copy the domain from the reporter field to a custom field.

Mykenna Cepek
Community Leader
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December 9, 2020

I see. Then the "Workflow - Post Function" approach will not work for that.

Automation can do this, though. You'll do what I mentioned above, but the "Edit Issue" action is just a pinch more complicated.

I created the rule below to test it. This rule copies the assignee email address domain (everything after the @ in the email) to the Description field. You'll want set it to your custom field instead.

I have the action component selected in the rule so you can see the Smart Value notation used to extract the email address and parse out the domain.

Screen Shot 2020-12-09 at 5.14.57 PM.pngImportant notes:

  • If the assignee is blank, the domain will also come back blank.
  • I'm not sure how you're assuring that the Assignee is set when the issue is created. If this automation runs BEFORE the Assignee is set, then the rule will appear to succeed, but the domain will be blank.
  • You might also consider a second rule to trigger this same action when the Assignee field changes. I assume you'd want to keep this custom field in sync, in case the issue is reassigned.
  • The 100 rule executions per month limit on the Jira Free plan is still in play here.
SunilKumar.Shangishetty December 9, 2020

Thanks for your response Mykenna.

I have tried the automation but I'm getting the error. Please check the attachment for the errors and automation.

And I'm trying to pull the domain from the reporter field, not from the assigned field.

Screen Shot 2020-12-09 at 4.02.30 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-12-09 at 4.02.23 PM.png

Mykenna Cepek
Community Leader
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December 10, 2020

So the SmartValue syntax (the code between the {{ and the }} markers) should not be in the "Additional Fields" section (under "More options"). Only JSON belongs there, and that is the source of the error.

Instead, put the SmartValue code into the "Company2" field. We don't want to clear that field, we want to set it to the value returned by the SmartValue code.

It should look like the following. I used a field we had called "Chamber", you want "Company2" there, of course.

Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 9.28.30 AM.pngImportant notes:

  • Be sure to remove the changes made under "More options".
  • This approach assumes that the "Company2" custom field is a Text Field. If not, let me know. 
SunilKumar.Shangishetty December 15, 2020

Hi Mykenna,

Is it possible to get Company from Insight if the reporter's email on Jira project matches to email in Insight.

I mean,

If is equal to email in Insight attribute, then get the company in insight and populate in JIRA project.

Mykenna Cepek
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 15, 2020

Honestly, I'm not sure. I do not have access to Insight for any of my Jira Instances at this time, so I can't give you a tested solution.

Consider closing out this question (which was focused on copying the reporter's email domain to a custom field), and creating a new question that focuses on using Jira (or JSM?) to retrieve Company data from Insight.

Tagging that new question with Jira (or JSM) and Insight is recommended.

Best wishes!

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