Create a public Dashboard

Eleni Timini
April 14, 2021

When I create a dashboard, although I select to make it public and share with other users/groups, it just creates it private.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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May 1, 2021

Hi @Eleni Timini Can you please let me know what steps are you following to give the permission to other groups and users,

Also, can you confirm when you edit the dashboard share you see those groups and user you added in the permission like below

Capture 2021-05-01 at 16.46.14.png

Eleni Timini
May 3, 2021

I believe this is answered by someone else in the community but the main issue was the fact that it doesn't warn the user that they had permissions to make a dashboard public.

I had to change the permissions of the users to create public dashboards.

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