Create a new project key with automate

e.bouchex December 7, 2020


I would like keys follow each other for the task, but not for the sub-task. It seem not possible.
I would like to create a new field and to use automate to generate a new key.

Automate has to read the field of the last created task ("M20001" for example), add +1 to transform to "M20002" and then to edite the field of the new task to write "M20002".

Do you aldready done someting like that?


3 answers

1 vote
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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December 7, 2020

You won't be able to do that in Cloud, and it's actually a lot harder than you think in server as well - you will end up with gaps and duplicates.

Frankly, don't bother.  Your sequenced key is of no real use to the end-users.

0 votes
e.bouchex December 7, 2020

Thank you for your answers.

So I have to find another way to work with the key...

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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December 8, 2020

Probably not.

You have not told us why you think you want to do this.  If you could explain the problem you are trying to solve by generating a redundant key, we might be able to help you find a better solution

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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December 8, 2020

Please do not accept answers that are not answers.

e.bouchex December 8, 2020

I created a project named "modification" in order to open tickets for each modification request. All of these tickets have a specific number (the key) and each of them follow the previous.
In these tickets, I would like to use subtasks and define user. But these subtasks use the same key than the tasks... so the tasks keys don't following.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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December 8, 2020

Ok, but why do you think you want the keys to "follow"?

e.bouchex December 8, 2020

If we use key for the subtasks, our current key format will become to small and we will change it.
In the same time, it is less user friendly...

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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December 8, 2020

Neither of those are any reason to do what you've proposed.  I don't see any benefit from having a non-useful non-unique key.

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John Funk
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December 7, 2020

Hi Manu - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I am not aware of any way this is possible in Jira Cloud. 

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