I would like to automate location of a kids party based on answer in drop-down custom fields:
Custom fields for 1 ITSM form:
1. What theme do you like in a birthday party?
A. Super Heroes (numeric value 1)
B. Princess (numeric value 2)
C. Cowboy (numeric value 3)
Answer: A
2. What is your favourite color?
A. Red (1)
B. Blue (2)
C. Green (3)
Answer : C
3. How many kids are invited?
A. <10 (1)
B. <30 (2)
C. <50 (3)
Answer: C
Automatiom rule will add the numeric values based on the answers select (for this case, answer is 7)
Then there is another automation rule that will have the following clauses
If the total summed up value is <4, then location of party will be at home
If the total summed up value is between 5 and 6, then party will be in a resturant.
If the summed up value is more than 6, then party will be in a resort.