My organization wants to have better visibility into inter-team resource requests. For example, the Web development team wants an easy way to request resources from the Data management team and vice-versa. My first thought was to simply have the Web team create a Jira ticket on the Data Board which would then be included in the Data team's standard Scrum processes (Backlog Grooming and Sprint Planning). There could be many teams that reach out to each other for resources so I am looking for a process that is visible and easy to use. Would Service Desk be a good option for this need? Thanks.
I would be very interested in what type of custom filed you are using and how the issue gets diverted. Thanks for the response. :)
Ok :)
Custom field type = dropdown
Consider a case of internal audit in an org
Using Jira, we would like to consolidate the various Audit requests from different department teams.
the org has 3 types of Internal Audits (1 , 2, 3) which needs tobe planned and executed as per the need.
When the user creates a jira ticket with the title and all the required fields, a custom field - "Audit Type" (dropdown) is a mandatory
The user selects the required option and creates the request.
Here is a small automation (the diversion) recommend you check this document - your Jira admin can help you configure it)
this can be done with rules (example, if the field value is Audit type 1, assign the ticket to user Jack.
for each selection we have a main user, who will get a mail notification when a ticket is created with the specific audit option. (Jira users and groups)
to make it nicer, create a separate quick filter based on the Custom field value selected, so that you can view the issues by creating dedicated boards.
I hope this helps, you need to do some experimentations with Rule creation.
Ignoring tooling (Jira) for a moment, please consider asking each team and their product owner to explain how they "intake" new work.
Once the team understands how they (and their partner teams) intake work, you can better decide how to support them with tooling like Jira.
Best regards,