We have defined portfolio hierarchy as Initiative > Portfolio Epic > Capability > Epic > Story. While editing the Parent Link, JIRA will automatically show the right type when you are on an issue. This is the same in Portfolio Plan. This is good.
However, one can change the Issue Type of an issue such that for example a Portfolio Epic can become a Capability. JIRA does no more than a warning message saying link is inconsistent with portfolio hierarchy and this is only visible in the issue. Now an Initiative is linked directly to a Capability as a result and this Capability is in turn linked to multiple Capabilities. Worst still, it no longer shows up in the Portfolio Plan because only Portfolio Epics will show up underneath Initiatives.
In the meantime, our reporting, roll-up and automation fails because the hierarchy is wrong.
Have you run into this? What do you do about it? We are very interested to hear any advice or suggestions please. Thank you!