Atlassian JIRA Common Credentials - Critical vulnerability

john morrissey
March 27, 2019

Tenable released a new plugin on 3/22/2019 which while scanning a 7.6.1 jira server installation it flags it as vulnerable.  

The plugin says it's logging in a the default jira/jira uname/pw combo.

Our installation doesn't have that user defined as we change all default settings during initial configuration. 

In grepping the jira security log it never shows the jira user logging in so I think it may be a false positive.

Is anyone else running into seeing this issue?





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Elliot Reiter
March 28, 2019

John, we experienced the exact same vulnerability message yesterday from Nessus with the jira/jira credentials.  This username is clearly not defined among our users.  We think it may very well be a false positive.  We are at Jira v7.11.2.  Thank you for pointing it out.

john morrissey
March 28, 2019

@Elliot Reiter 

I'm reaching out to tenable as their scanner doesn't report it so I think it's a problem with the nessus pluging.  We went as far as creating a user name jira with a very complex password which didn't help.

I'll update you when I hear back from them.

john morrissey
April 1, 2019

Ok seems they updated this plugin on the 29th and now it's not falsely reporting the vulnerability so all is good now.


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