why doesn't the team task list sort by assignee?

Isobel Lindsay June 15, 2020


I want to use the task report to track certain action items for a team and sort by assignee.  I have set it up, but, it doesn't seem to sort in any way.  No matter what I put in the 'sort' box of the macro it doesn't sort by that.  Help - what can I do to make it sort?  



1 answer

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 19, 2020

Hello Isobel,

Welcome to Atlassian Community, and thank you so much for bringing this to us.

I've had a look, and it appears that this has been reported as a bug in Confluence Cloud:

  • CONFCLOUD-67965 Sort By Assignee field in Task Report Macro broken
  • CONFCLOUD-68114 Sort by Assignee field in Task report macro does not actually sort the results.

Could you try first sorting the list by another parameter, and then switching it to sort by assignee, and let me know if that makes a difference for you?

Thank you, and looking forward to hearing from you!


Isobel Lindsay June 19, 2020

Thank you Shannon, 

I tried all that.  I also tried reversing the sort (the tick box), taking out the assignees and putting them back and anything else I could think of to make it trigger.  Sadly it doesn't work no matter what I do.  As a bug it's not very exciting, but, does impact my list. 

I look forward to the bug fix.  


Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 22, 2020

Hi Isobel,

Thank you for testing that. It was mentioned as a workaround for some people, so I wanted to see if it could help.

Hoping to see this resolved soon!

Take care, and have a pleasant rest of your week.


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