very slow connection

Bahman Sharzad July 24, 2020

I have a confluence server version 7.4 install on ubuntu 20.04.

Connection and search is slow. 

I have 20 gig memory and 8 cpu on this server and i only confluence and confluence database (postgres 11) on it. 

free -m on server say:

             total   used   free  shared  buff/cache   available

Mem: 20041 3320  16585 62         135                  16721


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Daniel Ebers
Rising Star
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August 12, 2020

Hi Bahman,

due to the fact that the Community members do not know how your setup looks in detail it will be nearly impossible to give a proper advise.

Please check documentation on performance tuning for Confluence, there are plenty useful tips in the Atlassian KB:

Depending on what the problem might be consulting an expert might be needed nevertheless.


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